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Online reporting in CERS is required for all candidates and committees. CERS is a user-friendly system that aids in tracking things like total-to-date, contribution limits, and other required reporting information. Montana's campaign finance laws ensure that the public can engage with a transparent reporting of money in elections. Candidates and committees ensure transparency in Montana’s democratic processes by periodically filing legally-required campaign finance information as campaign finance reports. It is the candidate’s and committee’s responsibility and obligation to understand and comply with all Montana campaign finance laws.
If at any time you need assistance, feel free to contact the Office of Political Practices. The office can be reached at (406) 444-2942 or at . Reporting calendars and other helpful information is available on the website at www.politicalpractices.mt.gov.
Good luck with your campaigns!
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TIP: CERS will perform best in Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browsers. Safari is preferred for Mac users. Internet Explorer does not function as highly and should be avoided when using CERS.